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by Shannon O’Brien

In 2019, I visited Schoodic Institute as part of a University of Maine ecology field course led by Dr. Katharine Ruskin. The coastline and forest merging together to form a breathtaking landscape left me in awe. During the weekend, I stayed in the bunkhouse on campus and worked with a small group to collect data on plant phenology under the leadership of career scientists and professors. This experience allowed me to develop scientific research skills, gain confidence, and feel a strong sense of belonging. Until then I had not had the opportunity to develop, coordinate, and collect data for a natural sciences research question.

After my graduation, I secured a technician role at Schoodic Institute, which was a dream come true and further enhanced my skills and confidence. Now, as science engagement coordinator, I have a hand in the process of offering others the same opportunity I had. I get to facilitate the experience of early-career professionals living and working on the Schoodic Institute campus. I’ve also had the chance to work as a group leader with the same University of Maine ecology class that I was part of. This full-circle experience was surreal, and it highlighted how impactful my initial visit to Schoodic Institute was on my career trajectory.

My journey shows that engaging college students in field research can solidify their interest in science. I even had the opportunity to contribute to a publication led by Dr. Ruskin on how such early exposure to field research can increase diversity in ecology. Read more about how Schoodic Institute has been the foundational site of many University of Maine student’s careers, and how these experiences may have impacted students’ career trajectories. I know it has mine.

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A group of hikers stand near a wooden summit post, smiling for the camera.
The team Shannon O’Brien originally worked with during the 2019 class at Schoodic Institute. Photo courtesy of Shannon O’Brien