Gurvich, D., N. Fisichelli, K. Jones. 2020. Non-native Tree Pest Assessment for Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park. Winter Harbor, ME: Schoodic Institute at Acadia National Park. 118 pp.
Schmitt, C. 2019. Understory: The Future Forest of Acadia. Schoodic Institute.
Ostrander, M. 2019. Can we help our forests prepare for climate change? Sierra Magazine, January-Febuary.
Alexandra J. Wright; Nicholas A. Fisichelli; Cindy Buschena; Karen Rice; Roy Rich; Artur Stefanski; Rebecca Montgomery; Peter B. Reich. 2018 Biodiversity bottleneck: seedling establishment under changing climatic conditions at the boreal–temperate ecotone – Journal of Plant Ecology
Janowiak, Maria K. et al. New England and Northern New York Forest Ecosystem Vulnerability Assessment and Synthesis: A Report from the New England Climate Change Response Framework Project. Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-173. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. 234 p.
Fisichelli, N., Miller, K. 2017. Weeds, worms, and deer: positive relationships among common forest understory stressors. Biological Invasions.
Middleton B., Boudell J., Fisichelli N. 2017. Using management to address vegetation stress related to land-use and climate change. Restoration Ecology. doi: 10.1111/rec.12507
Thakur M., Reich P., Wagg C., Fisichelli N., Ciobanu M., Hobbie S., Rich R., Stefanski A., Eisenhauer N. 2016. Effects of soil warming history on the performances of congeneric temperate and boreal herbaceous plant species and their associations with soil biota. Journal of Plant Ecology: doi:10.1093/jpe/rtw066.
Monahan W., Rosemartin A., Gerst K., Fisichelli N., Ault T., Schwartz M., Gross J., Weltzin J. 2016. Climate change is advancing spring onset across the US national park system. Ecosphere 7(10):e01465. 10.1002/ecs2.1465.
Craven D., et al. 2016. The unseen invaders: introduced earthworms as drivers of change in plant communities in North American forests (a meta-analysis). Global Change Biology: doi:10.111/gcb.13446.
Monahan W., Rosemartin A., Gerst K., Fisichelli N., Ault T., Schwartz M., Gross J., Weltzin J. 2016. Climate change is advancing spring onset across the US national park system. Ecosphere 7(10):e01465. 10.1002/ecs2.1465.
Craven D., Thakur M., Cameron E., Frelich L., Beausejour R., Blair R., Blossey B., Burtis J., Choi A., Davalos A., Fahey T., Fisichelli N., Gibson K., Handa I., Hopfensperger K., Loss S., Nuzzo V., Maerz J., Sackett T., Scharenboch B., Smith S., Vellend M., Umek L., Eisenhauer N. 2016. The unseen invaders: introduced earthworms as drivers of change in plant communities in North American forests (a meta-analysis). Global Change Biology: doi:10.111/gcb.13446.
Fisichelli N., Schuurman G., Hoffman C.H. 2016. Is ‘resilience’ maladaptive? Towards an accurate lexicon for climate change adaptation. Environmental Management 57(4): 753-758.
Fisichelli, N., Schuurman, G., Sharron, E. 2015. Climate change: responding to the crisis portended by George Perkins Marsh. George Wright Forum 32:276-289.
Fisichelli N., Schuurman G., Monahan W., Ziesler P. 2015. Protected area tourism in a changing climate: will visitation at US national parks warm up or overheat? PLOS One: DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0128226.
Abella S., Fisichelli N., Schmid S., Embrey T., Hughson D., Cipra J. 2015. Status and management of non-native plant invasion in three of the largest national parks in the United States. Nature Conservation10:71-94.
Fisichelli N., Stefanski A., Frelich L., Reich P. 2015. Temperature and leaf nitrogen affect performance of tree species at range overlap. Ecosphere (6)10:1-8.
Fisichelli N., Peters M., Monahan W., Matthews S. 2014. Climate change and birds of the Acadia National Park region: Projected changes in habitat suitability for 130 breeding bird species. Natural Resource Report NPS/ACAD/NRR-2014/840. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.
Eisenhauer N., Stefanski A., Fisichelli N., Rice K., Rich R., Reich P. 2014. Warming shifts ‘worming’: effects of experimental warming on invasive earthworms in northern North America. Scientific Reports doi:10.1038/srep06890.
Monahan W., Fisichelli N. 2014. Climate exposure of US National Parks in a new era of change. PLOS One 9(7): e101302 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0101302.
Fisichelli N., Abella S., Peters M., Krist Jr. F. 2014. Climate, trees, pests, and weeds Climate, Trees, Pests and Weeds: change, uncertainty, and biotic stressors in eastern U.S. national park forests. Forest Ecology and Management 327: 31-39.
Fisichelli N., Peters M., Iverson L., Matthews S., Hoffman C.H. 2013. Climate change and the forests of the Acadia National Park region: Projected changes in habitat suitability for 83 tree species. Natural Resource Report NPS/ACAD/NRR-2013/733. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.