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Dear Schoodic Institute Supporter,

Science is at the core of our mission at Schoodic Institute. Science for the stewardship of Acadia National Park. Science for addressing local resource management challenges. Science to engage the next generation of learners and leaders.

Science is for everyone. Over the past five years, more than 100,000 citizen science observations have been recorded in Acadia and Downeast Maine on iNaturalist, an online citizen science platform – observations captured by our science staff and volunteers, curious community members, park visitors, researchers, and young people. Schoodic Institute scientists and research fellows use these data to model current and future habitat (climate change refugia) for plant and animal species in Acadia. Then, our early-career scientists build upon this research in the field by documenting the presence, abundance, and health of species as we work with the Park to address the myriad challenges of a rapidly changing world.

Hanae Garrison, one of several early-career scientists who worked with us this year, examined black crowberry (Empetrum nigrum). This species, more often found in arctic climates, has a thriving population in Acadia. Over the summer, her team identified sites where this species is most likely to persist as we experience a warming climate. Below, you can link to Hanae’s story. Her time at Schoodic is a testament to how valuable these experiences are for building the next generation of conservation champions who will go on to steward our most cherished places.

Your year-end gift to Schoodic Institute supports critical opportunities for early-career scientists like Hanae, who have real and lasting impact at Acadia National Park and beyond. Your gift also helps us educate thousands of students and park visitors each year.

There is too much doom and gloom in popular media (and academic journals) – far more stories about problems parks are facing than what is being done about the problems. A lot of good work IS happening – the missions of parks demand this, and as a key partner with your support, Schoodic Institute is advancing stewardship solutions through science.

Thank you for joining us on this journey in pursuit of knowledge and critical research that will help protect Acadia National Park for generations to come.


Nicholas Fisichelli, PhD

President & CEO

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Read Hanae’s Personal Story

When I realized my curiosity could be put to use and I could make a career out of learning and working towards conserving my natural environment, I was hooked.
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Learn About Hanae’s Work

If you take a walk along the coastline of Schoodic Peninsula or watch the sunset from Schoodic Point, chances are you’ll run into black crowberry.
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