Kirk Geadelmann has served in small-cap and large-cap publicly traded, growth oriented, consumer product companies over the last 25+ years. During that time, he also served on
several advisory boards for innovative, mission-driven nonprofit organizations committed to education and environmental
Over the last several years Kirk has dedicated his time to serve leading, non-profit and for-profit organizations committed to sustainability and environmental science. Kirk is currently serving as the Finance Director for Schoodic Institute at Acadia National Park.
His prior experience includes serving as Chief Financial Officer at The Tile Shop (Nasdaq: TTS) from August 2014 to September 2019, where he was awarded “CFO of the Year”
from Minneapolis St. Paul Business Journal. Prior to joining TTS, Kirk served in various management roles at Best Buy (NYSE: BBY) from 2000 to 2014. Kirk began his career at Coopers & Lybrand (now Price Waterhouse Coopers), where he earned his CPA certification.
Kirk earned his BBA Accounting and Risk Management at University of Wisconsin Madison, where he served on the Board of Advisors for the MBA program’s Nicholas Center for Investment Banking and Corporate Finance (2008-15). Kirk also served as Chair of the School Board for Our Lady of the Lake School (2013-2016) and Chair of the Finance
Committee on the Board of Advisors for Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center (2012-2019).